How Can Orthodontics Improve Your Oral Health?

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What Is Orthodontics?

It is a specialty of dentistry concerned with the alignment of jawbone and positioning of teeth. Orthodontics in Pinellas Park invests in straightening malpositioned teeth and realigning jawbones to correct improper bites. Orthodontics is one of the areas of dentistry that relies heavily on oral appliances to treat dental issues. In any orthodontic treatment, you require to wear a teeth aligner that will either shift your teeth or hold them in position.

What Processes Does Orthodontics Involve?

Our dentist in Pinellas Park can use orthodontics to improve your oral health in different ways. Some of the processes in orthodontics at Confident Smile Dentistry for improving oral health are:

  1. Teeth straightening –entails using braces to move teeth from one position to another.
  2. Teeth extraction –entails the removal of one or more natural teeth to create space in the jawbone for repositioning the remaining teeth.
  3. Teeth spacing –entails using space maintainers to preserve spaces in the jawbone for other teeth to grow. The process prevents other teeth from shifting and moving inappropriately.
  4. Jaw aligning –entails treatment protocols for widening the jaw surface to correct improper bites and optimize the functionality of the jawbone.

Common Dental Appliances for Orthodontic Treatments

Dentists can employ various dental appliances in orthodontics, including:

  1. Metal braces –are the most common types of oral appliances in orthodontics. These braces feature metal brackets and wires attached to teeth. Through a treatment plan that your orthodontist develops (s)he will adjust the wires accordingly to move your teeth in a directed and predetermined position.
  2. Invisible braces –are aesthetically pleasing alternatives to metal braces. Instead of metal wires and brackets, invisible braces feature removable transparent plastic-like trays. They allow you to keep your treatment on the down low, flaunting your smile confidently even when you undergo treatment.
  3. Palatial expanders –are oral appliances that expand the jaw to even an improper bite. They create more space in the jawbone, usually for young patients whose jaws are still developing.
  4. Retainers –are teeth aligners that hold teeth in position. Retainers are oral appliances for use after wearing braces. Once your treatment for shifting teeth is complete, your dentist will recommend wearing retainers. The retainers will hold your teeth in place, disallowing them from shifting back to their original position. Depending on each individual case, your orthodontist will recommend wearing retainers every day for a couple of years or at night for the rest of your life.
  5. Space maintainers –are oral appliances for saving space in the jawbone. When there is a gap in the mouth, teeth begin to shift naturally to fill the space. Unfortunately, this may introduce an orthodontic problem of crookedness and new spaces between teeth. Space maintainers are popular in pediatric dentistry to save space for adult teeth to erupt. If kids lose their baby teeth prematurely, a space maintainer will occupy the gap until an adult tooth begins to erupt. For adults, tooth replacement with dental bridges, implants, or dentures is the best form of space maintainer.

Does Orthodontics Improve your Oral Health?

If you are still hesitant about the power of orthodontics to your dental health, consider the following ways that the treatments can impact your oral cavity:

  1. Improving oral hygiene –orthodontic problems can deteriorate oral hygiene in many ways. For instance, if you have a crowded mouth, it is difficult and sometimes impossible to clean all the surfaces of your teeth. The overlapping of teeth can make teeth brushing and flossing a complex process. Orthodontics ensures your teeth are in the right positions, enhancing oral hygiene measures.
  2. Optimizing functionality –your mouth’s functionality is highly dependent on the state of your teeth. A crooked smile, an improper bite, and spaces between teeth all compromise the functionality of your oral cavity. Orthodontics offers solutions to such dental issues, ensuring that your mouth is functioning as it should.
  3. Minimizing dental injuries and accidents –patients with improper bites, crooked teeth, and crowded mouths accidentally hurt themselves repeatedly. Frequent accidental bites can damage soft tissues in your mouth.
  4. Aesthetic advantage –straight teeth are beautiful teeth. Sometimes the only improvement you need in your oral health regards aesthetics. Straightening your teeth and evening your bite creates a desirable smile that boosts your confidence.